Parent Voices

  • Spread the word about Share Our Space

    The Share Our Space program is one way NSW Department of Education’s public schools help encourage and support physical activity and ongoing engagement across communities during school holidays.

    Through Share Our Space, families, and young people can access the outdoor areas for recreation at the many participating schools during the school holidays. Families can also register to attend one of the free Share Our Space activities being run at selected schools across NSW. For a full list of activities available during the summer holidays, visit the Activities page.

    Share Our Space means everyone can freely:

    • Enjoy quality sports courts and ovals
    • Explore play or fitness equipment
    • Join in dedicated holiday activities here possible.

    If your P&C would like to collaborate with Share Our Space and host an activity on the school grounds during the school holidays, please contact the Share Our Space team on You can also reach out to local organisations that offer exercise or sports, artistic or musical events or other activities for the community. Share Our Space welcomes new ideas for activities in your local community.

    #Families #schoolholidays #DepartmentofEducation #Wellbeing

  • Financial support available for school leavers

    For some students school, the beginning of Term 4 signifies the end of school..If you are the parent or carer of a young person who is leaving school, here is some handy info about financial support for young people who are studying, undertaking an apprenticeship, or looking for work.

  • Code Read- Dsylexia Network Resources

    Code Read has great resources available for parents, from tips to help your child in their reading to advice on how to work with your child's teacher. We've added a link to our Tips and Tricks page. Check out the page for lots of great resources for all kinds of families.

  • Pay Rise set to tacke Teacher Shortages

    Teachers in NSW are about to become the best paid in the country with a pay rise for NSW’s 95 000 teachers set to tackle the teacher shortage crisis. Salaries will increase across the board, and the pay scale will be restructured to ensure a more rapid progression.

    Deputy Premier and Minister for Education and Early Learning, Prue Car, said “I am so proud that today we are able to give the teachers the pay rise they so urgently deserve”

  • Resources for Parents and Carers of Children in Rural and Remote schools.

    Our Tools and Tips page has lots of resources for parents of children and young people in Rural, Regional and Remote schools. This includes information about pathways and scholarships for further education and helpful links to the Rural and Remote Education Strategy and the Rural and Regional Education Project. Check out the page, or let us know about your experience as a parent with a child at a Rural, Regional or Remote school by Sharing Your Story on our Parent Voices page.

    #Rural #regional #Remote #Parenting #Families #Community

  • Report Online Harm

    This important resource from the eSafety Commisioner takes you through how and when to make a report of online harm caused by cyberbullying, image based abuse illegal and restricted content.

  • Mobile Phone Ban in all NSW Public High Schools begins Term 4

    As Term 4 approaches, many schools are beginning to talk to parents and students about how the mobile phone ban will work. If you are just catching up, here is the original announcement from the NSW Government.

  • Regional School Alumni Events Program

    If your child attends a high school in Regional NSW, they might benefit from hearing about the experiences of former students. The Regional School Alumni Events Program provides financial support for former students to travel back to their former schools and talk to current students about life after school. To learn more about this program, follow the link.

  • Survey - Self Managed NDIS Participants

    Do you self manage an NDIS package on behalf of yourself or a family member? Have your say about the benefits and challenges of self management.

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